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In the last 4 years nothing we hear is correct coming from legit mainstream media. I always read more than 10 links on any info that comes through "legit" newspapers who get funding from big pharma companies that dogmatically try to influence the global population to increase their stock exchange value on their pushed products. Nowadays it is a given that big newspapers can't say no to bribes, and show me one big influential newspaper that does not comply. It is a lost battle. Journalism has been compromised and reading news outlets with names like "aktueel" in Holland means nada if we don't know if their news have been paid for by gaining parties. It is heartbreaking to see how much damage pfizer , moderna mrna pushed medication worldwide have done to people and youtube keep on pushing WHO covid policy under every video, whilst excluding real standard treatment for covid as a treatable corona, protecting their own profit making monster. Where and how do we to know what news agencies are not corrupt, and now i am talking about all of msm. It is as if ai has been introduced to tech and news companies worldwide to harm people with filter news, which in itself is dogma. The biggest gift to humanity, apart from psychical health, is mental health, responsible thinking, freedom of speech and true, open, responsible info the public can get hold of, without sensoring medical files for example. Never mind true news about war conflicts and proxy wars. The fact that there was to be a foi request and court case against pfizer to be able to get hold of the 30 page + list of side effects and harm of the pfizer mrna is shocking to say the least and where is mainstream "legit" papers willing to publish this. Let me guess, they were not willjng to speak the teuth which what is journalling all abouy, for.god's sake that is why journalism is there, journalling the truth, but as Assange said, NO WAR THAT HAS BEEN FOUGHT AND WON IN THE LAST 50 YEARS, COULD HAVE BEEN DONE WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE MEDIA... Pfizer wanted to withold this paper for 75 years! My word, how the heck did they manage to have such a closule in the first place? I am sorry, i lost ALL trust in so called legit news agencies and rarher look for journalists asking for at least a cup of coffee to be ABLE to find all the links i need to do my own research. People got lazy and srupid. That is all, and they want to be controlled.

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